Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Looking forward

I am starting really plan our trip home, we know that we are going to treat some of it like a vacation. We plan on stopping at Disneyland in So Cal. We shall see as it gets closer. But I also know that plans often do not happen as planned.
We know that we are not going to travel through the rockies and like that way, it is "shorter" but you have to much mountain terrain to go through, plus you have snow that we would have to deal with, and I am just not doing that. Stay south, and then head staight up the I-5.
I am so excited about going home, but I know there is so much I will miss here. But I still feel that this is the right thing to do!
Time to go home.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dove church and the Qu'ran

I am very angry that Dove church in Fla. will be burning copies of the Qu'ran on 9/11, and I am also very upset that there are American's that are supporting them. I know there in NO way Americans will ever or should never forget what happen on 9/11, BUT it was not the fault of a whole religion. The biggest reason for what happened on 911 was a failure to educate ALL people in this world. Dove is doing THE SAME thing as the terrorist in 9/11, they are bring hate and terror to a group of people for their OWN benefit.
I always thought as a parent you were to do EVERYTHING in your power to raise your children to have compassion, seek the truth, tolerance, and to educate them so they are not always living in fear. I firmly believe that non educated people are more like to live in fear, to be more violent, and to hate all things they do not understand.
Dove is doing THE EXACT same thing as:
Mohamed Atta
Waleed al-Shehri
Wail al-Shehri
Abdulaziz al-Omari
Satam al-Suqami
Marwan al-Shehhi
Fayez Banihammad
Mohand al-Shehri
Hamza al-Ghamdi
Ahmed al-Ghamdi
Hani Hanjour
Khalid al-Mihdhar
Majed Moqed
Nawaf al-Hazmi
Salem al-Hazmi
Ziad Jarrah
Ahmed al-Haznawi
Ahmed al-Nami
Saeed al-Ghamdi
These 19 names, these are the people that the hate need to be directed at...the 9/11 bombers. Did you know many of them were related? That they grew up being told that Americana's were evil, and that they needed to be destroyed? OH and guess what the extremist also burn the Bible, the Torah , and other holy books.
You may call it freedom of speech, freedom of expression to burn the Qu'ran, but then you need to remember that when someone is burning the American flag, a cross and the bible.
I am very upset to find out that I am living in a country that can have as much hate as the 19 terrorist from September 11Th. That in America, we have people that are just as ignorant as the people who killed so many people, and that these same people are raising their children to have the same hate and fear that the extremist like Taliban are raising their children...So America we can continue this cycle for another generation.
Please visit http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/memorial/lists/by-name/ to read the list of names of the people that died because of the hate on 9/11

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Moving, friendships...

We know that we will be moving back to Washington in March, and I am so excited...but I know that I am gonna miss many things/people from here in NOLA. I have meet some very wonderful people here, whom I hope I will have in my life for a very long time.
Something about moving that I have learned over the past few years is that you may be removed physically from people, but if the bond is real than it will substain itself.
There is many things/places that I will miss here as well; The quarter, Audubon Park, The Bayou's and swamps. The easy access to amazing food: Po'Boys, Boudin, Gumbo, Jambalaya, Spainsh shrimp, and so on...and I could go on!
Even with all that we are "giving up" I know that we must make this move, I need to be in a place that I feel more secure, and safe for this family. I am sorry NOLA but I have not been able to get that here. The landlords are horrible here, the crime can be REALLY high, there is high level of lead in the soil here, and that is just a few things.
You must also be very strong to live here, I am not that strong.
So in March of 2011, we will be saying goodbye to this city...days after Mardi grais...it is time.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Home Grown

I just found a blog that I would like to share Home Grown it is a really cool sight, with a lot of helpful tips! Go and check it out!