Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gardening, hens, and sick children!

The garden is going leaps and bounds! I am hoping to be able to harvest many wonderful things soon!
The hens are also growing in leaps and bounds....hopfully eggs will start coming soon! Excited by having our own eggs again!
Chloe is sick, we are now in limbo, waiting to see who else will fall to this sickness that is taking over!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Coming to the end of summer

Summer will be over soon, even when we did not have much on one here in the PNW, but still I love it here.
One of my many reasons for moving back here is because the weather is much nicer, no extreme heat.
Our garden is growing rapidly...still not a lot to harvest yet. The chickens are in their coop, we have painted the kitchen and the bathroom. Next is to get the girls room decorated how they would like them.
We will be starting our official year of homeschool...yes another year of this! It will be out 9th year! WOW! I still worry that they are learning what they need, but then I watch them, and see what they do everyday on their own, and I know that they are exactly were they need to be at this moment.
I still worry about the reading issue for the girls, but I also know that it will come.
I watch them, my three beautiful, sweet children, and I just know that we are doing everything right. Each are bright, beautiful, happy, and are complete human beings.
Everyday I look at my children, and I know that we are also exactly where we need to be.