Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Interesting past few days!

We had Halloween, Chloe was a Cat, and Bella was a Witch...LOL Evan wore a mask from the Halloween movie, and scared the heck out of people on the street car!
It was a nice area to trick or treat.
Sunday we went to a Day of the Dead celebration in the French Quarter that was put on by the Mexican Consulate, it was GREAT! The alter that was set up was amazing.
Yesterday I went with Pat Jolly over to the west bank center and poured more molds, that was fun. I am just a bit sore today.
I have my show coming up at Lady fest, this is what I did last year, in showing my photos.
I have to go to whole foods in a bit...I hope the Street cars are on a good schedule today.
I have not baked in days!!! And I am not happy about that, I must do some tonight.
OH!!! I now know that I am a non-smoker I had a margarita on Sunday, and I did NOT want a cigarette! YAH!!!I thought for sure that I would if I drank anything with Alcohol, so I have not had a drink since before I quit....I am so happy! I am almost to 4 months! Amazing!

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